Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Danish mystery Agaric 2011

Though the Danish funga has been studied for years we each year finds between 30 and 70 new species for the country—and in addition a number of seemingly undescribed ones. On the borderline between these two groups is a collection I made this summer on wood chips on a small path on the Danish island Læsø. The description reads:

Pileus 15-25 mm, convex, yellow brown, covered with small, upright, fibrillose scales, near the margin with white, fibrillose remnant of velum universale; lamellae adnate to somewhat emarginate or slightly decurrent, L20, l6-7, cream to pale yellow brown, margin floccose-crenelate; stipe to 25 x 3 mm, dull brown with a whitish veil zone slightly abowe the middle and felty at the base; smell and taste none; spp. dark greyish brown. Spores 4-4.5 x 7-7.5 µm, amygdalaeform to ellipsoid, smooth, brown with an obscure germ pore; cheilocystidia irregularly clavate to monilliform, 8-13 µm wide; pileipellis of upright, brown, strongly ornamented hyphae; clamps +.

Now, descriptions are always difficult but the pictures reveals something like a Galerina marginata but with the cap cuticle like a Flammulaster or Phaeomarasmius. There are species in both these genera which seems rather close without being rearly convincing.



We would much like suggestions—It is unlikely that such a striking species has not been recorded elsewhere by any of you keen mycologists :-)


  1. Hi,

    your fungus reminds me of Flammulaster limulatus agg., especially when looking at your micros and the surface of the pileus. Maybe you should compare with F. limulatus var. novasilvensis (F. novasilvensis) due to the dark stipe and the amygdaloid spores. Interesting find!

    Best wishes,


  2. Yes, Flammulaster novasilvensis is also our best bet. The remnants of a white universal veil at the pileus is, however, somewhat confusing. Maybe this is just such luxurious fruit-bodies that they show characters normally overlooked? The taxon hare been reported from Denmark (once?) earlier—I will check into this . . .

  3. Well, I made the previos Danish collection from rotten beech wood in the natural forest Suserup Skov. It was determined by Erik Rald, but I remember my specimens as fairly small and more dull colured than typical L. limulatus. I think they are quite similar to your specimens depicted here. But well, it is more than a decade ago, and I dont have a photo...

  4. F. novasilvensis has those spores that size (Finnish material: 6,8-7,9 x 4,1-4,8)and shape (becomes narrow at the top. It is more common in boreal area??! In F. it grows on wood ships and other woody debris. Tea v. B.

  5. It sounds as if there is a general agreement on the name. We posted the finding this spring in the Danish journal Svampe (65:41-42) with color pictures :-)
